Effective as of April 18, 2022 (and until further notice), the Civil and Traffic division Located in L2 (315 Elm St.) of the Lodi Courthouse is closed. All Civil (Limited Civil, Small Claims, Unlawful Detainers, Name Changes), Traffic and Fish & Game inquires or filings are to be completed with the Stockton Branch. For Civil you may call (209) 992-5693. For VC code or Fish & Game violations, please call Traffic at (209) 992-5692.
Please note all City of Lodi Municipal Code violations are now being processed in Department L1 (217 Elm St.) of the Lodi Courthouse. For inquiries regarding your Municipal Code violation, please call (209) 992-5521.
Effective as of March 1, 2021 Petitions for Name Changes are to be filed at the Lodi Branch, Department L2 location. It is your responsibility to provide a self-addressed stamped return envelope so your copies can be returned to you. You must also include a copy of your California-issued Driver License or Identification Card with your petition. Petitions can be dropped in the drop box located to the left of the entrance doors.
At the point when a gathering of neighborhood families chose to lay out a school in 1859, they chose a site close to introduce day Cherokee Path and Turner Street. In 1869, the Central Pacific Railroad was currently making another course, and trailblazer pilgrims Ezekiel Lawrence, Reuben Closet, A.C. Ayers and John Magley offered a townsite of 160 sections of land to the railroad as an impetus to fabricate a station there. The railroad got a "railroad hold" of 12 sections of land in town, and assessors started spreading out roads nearby between Washington to Chapel and Grasshopper to Pecan. Pioneers ran from adjacent Woodbridge, Freedom City, and Galt, including town organizers John M. Burt and Dan Crist.