Dan W Mcmanis is licensed by Bureau of Security and Investigative Services, California Departement of Consumer Affairs (DCA). The license type is Private Investigator Qualified Manager. The license number is #1262PIQ-10958. The business address is 512 Balboa Way, Modesto, CA 95350-4203, United States. The license issue date is January 11, 2012
Agency Name Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (120)
License Type Private Investigator Qualified Manager (1262PIQ)
License Number 10958
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services Private Investigator Qualified Manager 10958 2012-01-11 Current
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services Firearm Permit 247999 2000-07-21 2022-07-31 Delinquent
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services Baton Permit 119674 2000-04-10 Current
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services Security Guard 1278588 2000-03-31 2022-07-31 Delinquent