Upon entering the program facility, each participant can expect these events:
Individual assessment and treatment planning
Weekly cogitative behavioral therapy meetings
6-10 hours of cognitive behavioral groups per week (i.e. employment readiness, cognitive skill, substance abuse, etc.)
Referrals to community resources
Periodic evaluation of progress
Awards and affirmation for compliance
Behavior Intervention
12 Step Program, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Anger Management, Parenting, Life Skills, Job Placement
General Education Development
Inmates are able to obtain their General Education Development and are able to challenge the G.E.D. test at any time.
Celebrate Recovery
Inmates are able to enroll in Celebrate Recovery through the Chaplin Services.
Phase 1 - Orientation, Behavior Change Plan, Weekly Groups, Assessments, 30 minute Weekly Sessions
Completion of all orientation elements and Step 3 of MRT
Phase 2 - 30 minute Weekly Individual Sessions, Weekly Groups (MRT, Anger Management, etc.)
Progress on Behavior Change Plan, Completion of Step 3 of MRT and Sobriety no less than 60 days.
Phase 3 - 30 minute Weekly Individual Sessions, Weekly Groups (MRT, Anger Management, etc.), Release Plan and Transition Plan in place
Completion of Behavior Change Plan goals, Completion of Step 12 of MRT, Release Plan and Transition Plan in place, Sobriety no less than 90 days.