
Law Offices of Aaron Bortel Esq.


4040 Civic Center Dr #200
San Rafael, California 94903

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(415) 886-6333


Law Offices of Aaron Bortel Esq.


4040 Civic Center Dr #200
San Rafael, California 94903

(415) 886-6333

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Law Offices of Aaron Bortel Esq.


4040 Civic Center Dr #200
San Rafael, California 94903

(415) 886-6333 Call

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A DUI capture can happen to any individual who beverages or takes lawful or non-legitimate medications, and afterward drives a vehicle. While the greater part of us don't mean to go out and drive impaired, some of the time it works out. As a rule, we had that one final beverage that scarcely put us at or more than the lawful .08% cutoff. At the point when we've have had excessively, absence of judgment can kick in and the outcome may be what we never expected to occur - a DUI capture. Once in a while we get that crisis call and choose to drive. We could have headed over to recuperate, yet at the same time got accused of a DUI. Anything the circumstance is, we accomplished something that we want to reclaim, and presently we must choose the option to manage the results.

I assist with protecting individuals who made a judgment blunder. We are people, and we as a whole commit errors. The majority of my clients are great individuals who are confronting criminal arraignment and loss of driving honors without precedent for their lives. There are such countless inquiries and questions in a circumstance like this. It is a startling encounter, and for some causes more pressure than they've at any point experienced.


4040 Civic Center Dr #200 San Rafael, California 94903


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Bail Finder
Bail Finder
Posted 2 years ago
