Oakland Criminal Attorney Francisco Rodriguez has been rehearsing criminal safeguard regulation for the beyond 24 years. He began his vocation working at the San Francisco Public Defender's Office where he helped a few Attorneys with preliminary work and planning. In the wake of leaving the Public Defender's Office Attorney Rodriguez comprehended that he should have been ready to explore cases through the allure cycle and start to assistant at the First District Appellate Project. Here, he figured out how to flush out lawful issues and catch the consideration of the peruser in a legitimate brief appropriately. Subsequent to leaving the First District Appellate Project he was recruited by the State Public Defender's Office where he dealt with a few capital punishment cases in the habeas cycle. This experience furnished him with the comprehension of what it resembles for somebody to be condemned to death and their battle. In the wake of leaving the State Public Defender's Office, Attorney Rodriguez was employed by the Alameda County Public Defender's Office where he again centered his abilities around assisting residents who with having to deal with criminal penalties and how to set up a case for preliminary. Lawyer Rodriguez is likewise an alum of the Gerry Spence Trial College.
When Attorney Rodriguez moved on from Law School, he was recruited by the Santa Cruz County Public Defender's Office where he took care of many crook cases and was liable for various preliminary triumphs. In the wake of leaving the Santa Cruz Public Defender's Office Attorney Rodriguez opened up his own confidential practice where he remains today as a Senior Partner at Katsuranis and Rodriguez.