
Juliana D. Weil, Attorney at Law


4340 Redwood Hwy suite f-136
San Rafael, California 94903

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(415) 488-5761


Juliana D. Weil, Attorney at Law


4340 Redwood Hwy suite f-136
San Rafael, California 94903

(415) 488-5761

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Juliana D. Weil, Attorney at Law


4340 Redwood Hwy suite f-136
San Rafael, California 94903

(415) 488-5761 Call

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CLA Sections: None
The California Lawyers Association (CLA) is an independent organization and is not part of the State Bar of California.
Self-Reported Practice Areas:

Note: The State Bar does not verify the accuracy of this content and makes no warranties regarding experience or competence in practice areas. The State Bar encourages those seeking legal help to search Certified Specialists, use Certified Lawyer Referral Services, search through, and use the State Bar’s online public information to complement this information.
Criminal Law
Additional Languages Spoken:

By the attorney: Spanish
By staff: Spanish
Law School: UC Davis SOL King Hall; Davis CA

License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History
All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.

12/7/1995 Admitted to the State Bar of California


4340 Redwood Hwy suite f-136 San Rafael, California 94903


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Bail Finder
Bail Finder
Posted 2 years ago
