
Chickie's Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds

2118 Wilshire Blvd Ste 812
Santa Monica, California 90403

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(310) 545-4513


Chickie's Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds

2118 Wilshire Blvd Ste 812
Santa Monica, California 90403

(310) 545-4513

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Chickie's Bail Bonds

Bail Bonds

2118 Wilshire Blvd Ste 812
Santa Monica, California 90403

(310) 545-4513 Call

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Starting around 1984, Chickies Bail Bonds - a family run business - has given proficient and solid cross country bail bond administration. We have the honor of working with a considerable lot of the most profoundly regarded legal counselors in Southern California - serving the bail needs of their esteemed clients. We treat every one of our clients with the most elevated levels of poise and regard in frequently undeniably challenging and distressing circumstances. Our aim is to direct clients and their advice through the bail cycle with care and sympathy.

Laid out in 1984.

For north of thirty years Chickie's Bail Bonds has given the comfort of "We Come to You" permitting clients the accommodation of meeting at an area of their decision, be it their home, office or their legal counselor's office.


2118 Wilshire Blvd Ste 812 Santa Monica, California 90403


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Bail Finder
Bail Finder
Posted 2 years ago
