Don't Skip Out On Bail: The Consequences of Jumping Bail in America

Bail Bonds

Don't Skip Out On Bail: The Consequences of Jumping Bail in America

By Bail Finder 1 year ago Bail Bonds

Jumping out on bail is a serious offense that can land you in more legal trouble than you bargained for. When you are arrested and charged with a crime, you may be offered bail, which is a set amount of money that you pay in exchange for being released from jail until your court date. If you decide to jump bail, you are essentially breaking your promise to appear in court, and this can have serious consequences.

When you are granted bail, you are essentially entering into a contract with the court. In exchange for being released from jail, you promise to appear in court on your scheduled date. If you fail to appear, the court will issue a warrant for your arrest. Additionally, the court may also revoke your bail, meaning that you will not be allowed to post bail again and must remain in jail until your trial.

In addition to being arrested, you may also be subject to bounty hunters. Bounty hunters are private individuals who are hired by bail bondsmen to track down and bring back fugitives who have skipped out on their bail. If you are apprehended by a bounty hunter, you may be subject to additional fines, more jail time, and other legal penalties.

The judge may also decide to deny you bail ever again. This means that if you are arrested for another crime in the future, you may not be granted bail and will be forced to remain in jail until your trial.

In short, jumping bail is a serious offense that can have serious consequences. If you are arrested and offered bail, it is important to take it seriously and appear in court on your scheduled date. If you fail to appear, you may be subject to more jail time, fines, and may even be denied a bail bond ever again.


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